> 1 Month Build Your Own ABS – BeYourBG

1 Month Build Your Own ABS

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Everyone has their own definition of abs and how they want their stomach to look. For me I wanted the 6-pack look. That may or may not be what you want so lets build your own abs! This program will provide all the tools (knowledge) you need to understand what it takes to build your core. We will focus on nutrition, how to keep your core engaged and of course the best exercises to do. Whether you are a beginner or advance the instructions will let you know what to do. The main diiference is the amount of weights used. The advance program will follow everything I did to build my core.  If you cannot hold a 1 min plank or use 15lbs or more to complete ab exercises I recommend starting as a beginner. This is a one month program.

*The link for the App will go out the last Friday of the month/(the Friday prior to the program starting) if you order after that time frame you will get placed in the program within 24 hours. If you are already enrolled in another program this program will get uploaded to your profile.

 Program Includes:

          - Exercise Visuals

          - Workout Breakdown (reps, sets and rest)

          -Eating Schedule

          -List of good fats, carbs and protein

           -Water Intake based on your size

           -Breakfast Ideas with Calorie and macro breakdown

   -Access to Trainer LJ to ask questions if you need help with the fitness             program or Nutrition

   -Support Group


     -Daily caloric intake and macro breakdown customized for you and your     goals 


 *You have access to the workouts/nutrition for your month of purchase